Unmasking the Rogue Guest: Challenges for Short Term Accommodation Providers

In the world of short term accommodations, most guests are well-behaved and respectful, but occasionally we encounter disruptive individuals known as Rogue Guests.

These individuals are like the wild cards of the accommodation world, causing chaos and disrupting the peace. They are a nightmare, damaging property, tarnishing reputations, and even posing a threat to the safety of staff and other guests. Dealing with Rogue Guests is a significant challenge for Short Term Accommodation Providers (STAPs). In this blog post, we'll explore their characteristics, the havoc they cause, and strategies to handle them effectively. Let's delve into the Rogue Guest phenomenon and find out more!

While Rogue Guests may be a small minority among the guests, their impact can be huge, causing headaches for both the accommodation providers and other guests. Here are some key characteristics and behaviours that are often associated with these Rogue Guests:

Disruption and Destruction

These troublemakers are experts at disturbing the peace and tranquillity of the accommodation. They have a knack for engaging in destructive behaviour, intentionally damaging property, fixtures, or amenities. As a result, the accommodation providers end up footing the bill for repairs, replacements, and professional cleaning services.

Reputational Damage

When a Rogue Guest goes on a rampage of destructive or antisocial activities, it not only wreaks havoc on the property but also tarnishes the reputation of the accommodation provider. Negative reviews, word-of-mouth criticism, and online backlash can seriously hurt the credibility of the place, potentially scaring off future guests from booking their stay.

Financial Loss

The presence of a Rogue Guest directly hits the bottom line of the accommodation providers. Not only does it take time to fix the damages and clean up after these guests, but it also means that the accommodation is temporarily unavailable for future bookings. The expenses for repairs, replacements, and professional cleaning can quickly add up and put a strain on the financial resources of the providers.

Antisocial Behaviour and Illegal Activities

Unfortunately, some Rogue Guests see the accommodation as a perfect hideout for engaging in illegal activities and evading the watchful eyes of the authorities. These activities may include drug use, theft, fraud, or other criminal behaviour. Not only does this jeopardise the safety and well-being of other guests and staff members, but it also creates an environment of fear and unease.

Impact on Staff and Management

Dealing with a Rogue Guest can take a toll on the staff and management of a short-term accommodation facility. The constant need to address disruptive and disrespectful behaviour can lead to increased stress and anxiety among employees. It's not easy to handle these situations, and staff members who are tasked with addressing these Rogue Guest incidents may experience heightened job dissatisfaction and may even require sick leave to recover from the challenging and unpleasant encounters.

Rogue Guests may be a small fraction of the overall guest population, but their impact can be significant. Accommodation providers can stay ahead of the Rogue Guest by being proactive and well-informed during the booking process.

Sharing information with other Short Term Accommodation Providers (STAPs) and having access to incident reports, can minimise the risk of hosting a Rogue Guest. It's crucial to collect relevant guest information and make informed decisions based on it. In part 2 of this series, Strategies to navigate Rogue Guests, we dive deeper into strategies and measures that accommodation providers can take to handle these Rogue Guests and minimise their disruptive influence.